Political Vandalism At The Bookstore
Since visiting used bookstores is part of one of my job, I don’t like to be bothered, interrupted or detained when I’m at a bookstore. And I certainly don’t like a middle-aged woman stopping me from entering a store so she can gleefully confessing a crime to me.
This is the story of an ordinary-looking woman who is either so politically motivated that she has lost her common sense or more likely so generally lacking in sense that she didn’t know that committing a crime is usually something people don’t admit.
On Monday, March 26, 2012 — a day perfect for walking in a park with someone you love — a frizzy-haired woman who looked like she could have been an elementary school teacher vandalized a car in the parking lot of a Half Price Books store and then confessed to me.
It’s a shame for her that I was the one person there who was least interested in what she had to say.
The Story
“You wanna know something mean I just did,” the woman said.
I didn’t answer.
“One of the people from the store,” she started, gesturing to the far part of the parking lot where the employees park. Then she paused.
She was holding the door into the bookstore open for me, but she was blocking the entry with her body.
“One of the people from the store,” she continued very slowly, “has a Barack Obama sticker on their car.”
She paused again, still blocking the door. I still didn’t say anything.
“I covered it over with a ‘Vote Republican’ sticker.”
That’s vandalism, I thought, but she moved inside the store and I continued inside too. I didn’t say a word, and she didn’t approach me again.
Why would someone admit to committing an act of vandalism to a person who might not approve of vandalism and might not even approve of her political statement?
The Silliness Of It
I’m completely apolitical. I don’t care about politics in the least.
I have identified as a Democrat at some times in the past, but I don’t participate in the political process at all anymore. My turn away from anything related to politics is part of my effort to simplify my life and make it more intelligent. Politics are just silliness, so I don’t participate.
If I had to form an opinion about President Obama, I suppose I think that he doesn’t live up to anyone’s expectations. But I don’t think I could bring myself to vote for a Republican. I don’t think I could bring myself to vote at all.
And I certainly couldn’t bring myself to vandalize someone else’s property to make a statement of any kind.
But why did the woman think I would approve of her act of vandalism against a store employee? She must have thought I was either a criminal or a Republican. Which was it? Is there a difference?
I didn’t report her to the police or to the store employees. I didn’t see which car she meant, and the incident may have happened only in her mind.
In my mind, I wonder why she was out alone. I know that Republicans are allowed to travel unescorted and vandals often work alone, but the woman who blocked the door to admit a crime to me seemed to have other issues as well.
Image: Pixabay

Good or bad, the posts on Gip’s Front Yard are written by Gip Plaster, a professional web content writer. If you need content that will help your site look and feel alive – or any kind of high-quality text at an affordable rate – please email writergip@gmail.com.
This is a hilarious story, I just found your blog through Ari Herzog’s blog and I love it. I have to check our your other blog as well.
Thanks, Mardi. This site is just for fun. The really interesting stuff is at gipplaster.com. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the reply, not a lot of bloggers do that; I respect that. I’ll check out your other site, too.