About Gip Plaster

I’m Gip Plaster — yes, that’s my real name — and I’m a web content writer and Internet entrepreneur. Or at least those are the best titles I can think of for what I do.

I’m a trained, experienced and published writer, but I took an eight-year detour through the world of online used bookselling. It was more fun than it sounds, but I’m a writer at heart. I never really wanted to be anything else.

In 2009, I launched my simple living blog So Much More Life (now complete) — and I re-launched my writing career. In June 2010, I made a firm decision to become a full-time writer again. Today, I’m working for writing clients around the world. While I was once a journalist, I now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites. I experiment with microfiction too.

Writing is my life. It always has been really.

You see, I did college and I did the corporate world. I didn’t really like either of them, but I’m glad I had the experiences. Every moment of my life has been preparation for this one, and I’m excited to see what comes next.

Contact me anytime. I’m on Facebook.

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