Sure, I’ll Talk To You About Discontinued Deodorants
Want to have a conversation about all the brands of deodorant that have recently been discontinued or reduced in size? Sure, I’m up for that. But there was a time when I would have been very uncomfortable with that topic.
I think I was born with a misplaced or overactive propriety gene, but it’s effect on my personality has slowly been softening. I once shied away from any conversations about personal grooming, unpleasant bodily smells and other seemingly unseemly things.
In some circles, my aversion was enough to limit my ability to participate in the conversation. You have friends like that too, don’t you?
Today, no topic is off limits to me.
Why This Comes To Mind
Deodorants are on my mind because mine has been discontinued — as far as I can tell. I can’t find absolute confirmation that Arrid Extra Dry Clear Gel has been discontinued, but I’ve seen lots of evidence. A few people are talking about it online, and the product has disappeared from local Walmart stores and everywhere else I’ve checked.
There is apparently some major realigning of deodorants and the way they’re sold, and I’m caught up in it. The product I’ve used for more than decade is gone. And I would grieve for it if I didn’t have other things to do.
I’ve seen articles indicating that homemade deodorant is the way to go, but I’m just not ready for that. I’m not likely to smear on a cream deodorant either.
Signs Of Greater Ease
You may find this a mundane topic — and you may even find it slightly uncomfortable to read about deodorants. For me, however, this is a big step.
When I was a kid, I wouldn’t have entered into any kind of discussion related to personal grooming. It’s not that I found it embarrassing exactly, it’s just that I didn’t want people thinking about what products may or may not have been on my body at any given moment. Discussing foot powders, colognes and ointments was out of the question for me too.
Today, I’m fine with all of that. I think it’s a sign of greater ease with myself. I don’t know that I use the same products you do, but I’m relatively confident that no one is judging me for using one brand instead of another.
And even if you are, I just don’t care what you think. That may sound harsh, but this post wouldn’t have been possible if I still worried about people judging me.
In fact, most of my life wouldn’t have been.

Good or bad, the posts on Gip’s Front Yard are written by Gip Plaster, a professional web content writer. If you need content that will help your site look and feel alive – or any kind of high-quality text at an affordable rate – please email
hi coul you tell me if you can still get sure max deodorant spray for women anywhere please?thanx
I think I heard that one was discontinued also. There have been a lot of shakeups in the deodorant world, it seems!